Sunday, March 24, 2019

Removing DRM protection from an PDF

I had purchased and downloaded a PDF from But it can only be viewed with Adobe Digital Editions on my Macbook or with another app on my smartphone. The DRM protection is causing this. So I decided to remove the DRM. There's a few tools, like Epubor (paid), Calibre (free) and DeDRM. It was a bit of trial and error, but DeDRM was the most straightforward one for me, as I can use if from the command line.

It is assumed that Adobe Digital Editions is installed on your Macbook and you can open the PDF concerned. You should also know where your ADE library is on your Macbook. (~/Documents/Digital Editions/ in my case)

  1. Install DeDRM from
  2. Open Terminal
  3. Generate a .der file (DER certificate) from your ADE
  4. Generate a new PDF from the DRM-protected one, using the DER certificate
  5. Enjoy!
MacBook-Pro:~ user $ cd ~/Downloads/DeDRM_tools_6.6.2/DeDRM_Macintosh_Application/
MacBook-Pro:Adobe_Digital_Editions pth$ python2.7 v6.0
Copyright © 2009-2013 i♥cabbages and Apprentice Alf
Saved a key to ~/Downloads/DeDRM_tools_6.6.2/Other_Tools/DRM_Key_Scripts/Adobe_Digital_Editions/adobekey_1.der
MacBook-Pro:Adobe_Digital_Editions pth$ cp -p ~/Downloads/DeDRM_tools_6.6.2/Other_Tools/DRM_Key_Scripts/Adobe_Digital_Editions/adobekey_1.der ~/Desktop/
MacBook-Pro:~ user$ python2.7 ~/Desktop/adobekey_1.der "~/Documents/Digital Editions/my-ebook.pdf" ~/Desktop/my-ebook.pdf
Successfully decrypted my-ebook.pdf as my-ebook.pdf

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